Exterior Cleaning Services
Our professional cleaning service will keep the outside of your home looking great year-round! We offer thorough cleaning of your gutters, windows and siding. In addition, we can even remove pesky moss and accumulated debris!
Window Washing Services
As window glass is porous, over time accumulated dirt can break down the surface. Regular window cleaning ensures a clean surface and allows light to enter your room cleanly and crisply.
Proudly serving the Comox Valley and surrounding areas, our experienced professionals have the right equipment and products to make your residential windows sparkle brilliantly! We can even provide a convenient hand-washing station to refresh your skin afterwards.
If you are interested in learning more about our cleaning solutions, please give us a call at 250-218-3991.
Main: 250-218-3991 | Fax: 250-941-2290 | gotgutters@shaw.ca